Oral Presentation Deadline: March 31, 2025
Poster Presentations Deadline: March 31, 2025
Due to limited space for posters, submitters are limited to one per person
and no more than two per company
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Lukas Vaclavik and Kai Zhang
Poster Committee Co-Chairs
Brian Eitzer and Simon Hird
Development and validation of targeted single and multiresidue methods, novel approaches allowing addressing current issues and challenges in pesticide and veterinary drug residue analysis.
Novel approaches for large scope screening and non-targeted analysis of chemical residues and contaminants in food and environmental matrices. Data processing and interpretation tools.
Advances in analytical techniques, risk assessment technologies, and mitigation strategies relevant to natural toxin research.
Approaches to overcoming challenges posed by complex matrices. Performance and effectivity improvements to workflows for various analytes of interest and matrices.
Advancements in detection of PFAS and other emerging contaminants across food and environmental matrices and consumer products. Exposure pathways, contamination sources and health impacts.
Development and application in calibration and method validation of methods for residues and contaminants in food and environment.
1. You must FOLLOW the Abstract Template
(NACRW will ask you to resubmit the abstract if you do not follow the template instructions)
Guidelines to follow
2. Submit your abstract using the link below to the abstract portal
Speaker Expenses
Unless special arrangements have been made with the Program Committee, all expenses are the responsibility of the speaker, including conference registration fees.
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